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Lists: Things Every Budget Traveler Needs To Pack

After years of packing too much or packing just not enough, bringing the wrong items, or needing things which I forgot, I’d like to think of myself as a pretty good packer.

Here is a list of things I find useful as a budget traveler:

  • A towel – Not just any towel, but a quick-drying microfiber towel that can easily fold up in your backpack. Not only is it nice to have your own towel, but many hostels (especially in Europe) charge you for towels and linens so this is a great way to save money. These can be purchased online at one of my favorite shops for travel gear, Eagle Creek, or at most outdoor good / sporting stores such as Bass Pro Shop (USA) and Decathlon (Spain).
  • Reusable shopping bags – Not only will you be doing good for the environment, but in many countries they charge for plastic bags at stores and supermarkets, so you will also be saving money. I am a huge fan of Chico Bags Original resuable shopping bag. They fold up into a tiny pouch that can easily fit in a purse or pocket. They can also be used for more than just shopping!
  • Travel Sporks

    Sporks: Never leave home without one! (Photo taken from

    A spork – Don’t laugh. Sporks are great! As a budget traveler I like to still be able to eat healthy and often eating-on-the-go means you have to settle for low-quality foods and sandwiches. If you have a spork (or even just a spoon or fork) you have many more options for healthy snack and meals such as ready-to-eat salads, yogurts and soups. You can purchase fancy travel sporks online at REI or they often come in ready-to-eat meal packages at your local supermarket.

  • Wine opener – Traveling on a budget means you will probably want to also drink on a budget. If you are staying in a hotel, hostel or happen to be having a picnic, having a dual wine / bottle opener will be a life saver! YOU WILL SAVE TONS OF MONEY BY DRINKING OUTSIDE OF BARS AND RESTAURANTS. Just be careful when taking it through airport security as the corkscrew is sharp and they may confiscate it.
  • Hand sanitizer – Never leave home without it. Whether you are taking public transportation, using handheld shopping baskets, touching cash machines or whatever, it is always a good idea to have some hand sanitizer readily available.
  • A rubber band – This is by far the weirdest thing on my list but it has proven to be one of the most useful during my travels. I have used rubber bands to strap cash to the underside of belts, to hang items in hostel rooms or bathrooms, for attaching things together or putting up my hair. An extremely weird suggestion, yes, but you will probably find it very useful!
  • A lock – When staying in hostels you will want to make sure your valuables are protected. Many hostels offer free lockers but do not have locks so it is a good idea to have one of your own. You can also purchase small combination locks online at Eagle Creek.

Another item I often like to travel with but that is not always necessary is a Sleep Sack from Hammock Bliss. It is small and lightweight and acts as a light sleeping bag, bedding for sleeping in random places (See Sleeping In Airports) or as a barrier between you and dingy hostel sheets. This thing was a savior while staying at low budget hostels in India but you certainly wouldn’t want to use this as a sleeping bag in a place such as Finland in the winter!